Do you want to get “unstuck”?

“I Shouldn’t Still be Living With This”

Have you ever thought about one of your weaknesses or limiting habits and said, “I can’t believe I’m still living with this!”

One of my biggest fears is getting 5 years older and being exactly the same person I am today – with all the same weaknesses and flaws. 

Growth is hard. And guess what… it’s 10x harder in isolation! 

But finding a growth-oriented community to be a part of to rally around you and hold you accountable can be even harder! 

I’ve experienced this myself, so I’ve decided to do something about it. 

I’m starting a weekly mastermind and I’m inviting you to join!

This is a limited time invitation to join four, transformative, completely complementary weekly group mastermind sessions! 

The book we’ll be using – The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – written by one of my all-time favorite authors, John Maxwell. 

John is a man of faith, who is also world-renowned for his work in leadership. 

Before you join, I want to give you a fair warning: If you’re the type that will put this book down after skimming it and say, “that was nice,” this mastermind isn’t for you. 

In these weekly masterminds, we will be digging deep and holding each other accountable to executing on the transformative principles in this book. 

Remember, knowledge is like paint. It is worth nothing until it is applied. 

Limited Time Opportunity

Are you ready to dive in and step beyond those weaknesses? 

Ready to break through those barriers in your faith, relationships, marriage, family, and personal development? 


We’ll be starting in about 2 weeks but sign up ends next Sunday 8/11/24 at midnight. 

These four sessions may be free but I’m confident you’ll find them extremely value-packed! 

Shoot me a message below – just tell me you’re interested. I will email you back with the details!  


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Drop me a message and I’ll email you back with the details!